It’s also Brazil’s Month of Discovery. Let’s Do Both.
April is Brazilian Jazz Appreciation Month and Connect Brazil is celebrating, online and ‘On The Air’.
Connect Brazil is celebrating Jazz Appreciation Month with 30 days of Brazilian jazz favorites on the radio and our streaming channels. And we’re supporting our favorite Brazilian music with a month’s worth of top stories on our homepage.
A Little History
Where did the music come from?
Brazil was discovered on April 22, 1500, by Portuguese explorers and became a nation on September 11, 1822. Its melting-pot history of welcoming Asians, Africans, and Europeans made an indelible impression on Brazil’s music, including Bossa Nova and Brazilian jazz.
You’re invited to explore Brazil’s amazing history and culture with our series, The Brazilian Minute. It’s a free offering from Connect Brazil.
The history of contemporary Brazilian jazz music begins in the late-1940s. That’s when jazz-loving Carioca teens turned a downtown appliance-and-music store called Lojas Murray into a musical Mecca.
Murray soon became a gathering spot (one of several) for various fan clubs. The Stan Kenton Progressive Fan Club. The Dick Haymes-Lucio Alves Fan Club, and The Sinatra-Farney Fan Club, where the little green wallet that validated membership was coveted above all others.
Perhaps even more than the “hot off the press” import jazz music records that Murray sold. Miles Davis, Ella, Coltrane, and Woody Herman. Nat ‘King’ Cole and guitarist Les Paul.
Showcasing Brazil’s Best
Soon, Brazil’s first jazz musicians turned professional. Joao Donato, Paulo Moura, Cauby Peixoto, Johnny Alf, and Raul Mascarenhas among them.
New names join them. Sergio Mendes, Tamba Trio, Carlos Lyra, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Oscar Castro-Neves, Joao Gilberto. Pioneers of Bossa Nova and Brazilian jazz.
Their generation inspired many of the names we follow and enjoy today.
Keyboard players include Antonio Adolfo, Marcos Ariel, David Feldman, and Deodato.
Guitarists such as Torcuato Mariano, Phill Fest, Sergio Pereira, Ricardo Silveira, and Nate Najar.
Talented jazzy Brazilian singers, too. Rosa Passos, Djavan, Daniela Soledade, Taina Maria, Flora Purim, and Eliane Elias.
Consummate horn players like saxophonists Leo Gandelman, Mauro Senise, and Nivaldo Ornelas. And brilliant brass players including trumpeters José Arimatéa and Walmir Gil.
Then there are trumpeters who are fondly remembered, Claudio Roditi, Paulhino Trompete, and Marcio Montarroyos.
- Read 12 influential Brazilian Jazz albums here.
April is Jazz Appreciation Month
Maybe you picked on the acronym, JAM.
That’s exactly what this young generation of Brazilian musicians did. The teens who carried their membership cards with pride became college students by day while cheering their favorite homegrown stars by night.
These Bossa Nova and Brazilian jazz jam sessions became the center of Rio’s next-gen social scene for years to come. It’s where the seeds of Bossa Nova grew to become popular worldwide.
So, why this thumbnail history of Brazilian jazz?
Well, two reasons. First, to show the harmonious cultural connection between the USA and Brazil. Secondly, it’s a simple timeline for the birth of Brazilian jazz music.
After all, it is a special month for fans and musicians!
Listening Guide For Brazilian Jazz Appreciation Month
Listen up! Each week in April, Connect Brazil’s streaming station will bring you a different look at Brazilian jazz.
And we’ll post the best stories about Brazilian Jazz musicians and the music they create on our homepage at
What do we have in store for you on Connect Brazil’s streaming station? Read on.
A Personal Invitation
Connect Brazil is here to serve Brazilian jazz fans and to support the musicians who create the music we love.
Here’s what to look forward to.
You’re welcome to listen every weekday, at the bottom of every hour from 9 am to 3 pm Central for a special hourly featured Brazilian jazz track. I’m hoping that you’ll like the rest of the hour, too.
Here’s April’s weekly programming features for Connect Brazil’s streaming station.
- Week One: Brazilian Jazz Guitarists
- Week Two: Brazilian Jazz Keyboardists
- Week Three: Brazilian Jazz Vocalists
- Week Four: Brazilian Jazz Horns
I’d like to invite you to enjoy our 15 Brazilian music streaming channels, always free.
So, now you are ready to enjoy all that the first full month of Spring has to offer, along with a perfect soundtrack.
30 consecutive days of great music for Brazilian Jazz Appreciation Month!
Happy listening!
Scott Adams, Midday Host
Connect Brazil’s streaming station

April Is Brazilian Jazz Appreciation Month
Music, Travel, Friends, And Fun!
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