Brazil’s First 200 Years As A Nation Has Given The World The Riches Of Its Culture
Brazilian Independence Day: 15 Things To Know. Here’s Connect Brazil’s list of fun facts about Brazil’s story of becoming a nation.
15 Things To Know About Brazilian Independence Day
1. Brazil celebrates its 200th anniversary as a nation on September 7th this year. 2022 is its bicentennial year.
2. The stars on the Brazilian flag recreate the morning sky over Rio de Janeiro (the former capital city) as seen on November 15th, 1889. This date is known as the Proclamation Of The Republic Day
3. The Provisional Flag of the Republic of the United States of Brazil preceded the official flag and flew for only four days. It is very similar to America’s ‘Stars and Stripes.’
4. Officially, more than 210,000 Brazilians live here in the US. They celebrate Brazilian Independence Day in cities coast-to-coast. That’s about 10% of Brazil’s total population and about half of all people living in South America.
5. New York’s Brazilian Independence Day Bash is America’s biggest Brazilian Day street party.
6. On January 1, 2019, Jair Bolsonaro was sworn in as Brazil’s 38th President. He succeeds President Michael Temer, who completed the remainder of impeached President Dilma Rousseff’s term.
7. Brazil’s push for independence from the Portuguese Empire began with Napoleon’s loss at Waterloo in 1815. The war left the Iberian peninsula in severe economic hardship.
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15 Things To Know About Brazilian Independence Day
9. Portugal’s Cortes placed increasing and deliberate pressure on Brazil in 1821. They subordinated Brazil, allocating its gold and other exported resources. They used Brazil’s resources to pay for Portugal’s debut without compensation. The Portuguese government used its power against the will of its citizens.
10. Just like the United States, higher taxes and the retraction of guaranteed freedoms ignited the passions of Brazilians. Prince Regent Dom Pedro (later the first Emperor of Brazil) wanted independence for Brazil and its citizens.
11. Although considered ‘bloodless’, Brazil’s Independence War raged on in the Brazilian northeast for 22 months. A final battle in 1823 pushed the remaining Portuguese sympathizers of the Cortes back to their homeland.
12. Tiradentes is a national hero of Brazilian independence and is honored with a Federal holiday.
13. Brazil has implemented seven constitutions since its founding as a nation in 1822.
14. During its nearly 200 years as a nation, Brazil has been governed as an Empire, and as a representative Republic. Brazil was a Fascist state in the 1930s and 1940s. Brazil was a military dictatorship from 1964 to 1985. Today Brazil is a constitutional democracy.
15. Here’s one more thing to remember about Brazilian Independence Day. Brazil is the only country in Latin America that does not speak Spanish as its native language. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese and this is why.
Finally, check out this Google Doodle for Brazil, then see them from years gone by.
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