Brazilian Jazz Saxophonist Leo Gandelman
| Air Date: 04-14-24 through 04-21-24
| On-Demand: 04-14-24 through 04-28-24 is the official streaming radio partner for The Sounds of Brazil!
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April is Jazz Appreciation Month, so this week, we’re featuring Brazil’s all-time top horn player, saxophonist Leo Gandelman. Recently, I came across the liner notes Leo asked me to write for his Brazilian Soul album.
I included part of that text here because it tells a wonderful story about him. I hope you’ll enjoy it below:
10 Questions and a few minutes are all it takes to get caught up with this week’s Featured Artist, saxophonist Leo Gandelman. You can catch up with “Leo from Rio” here.
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Sunday’s ‘Brazilian Brunch’ always has a seat at the table for you, so plan to spend some time with us as we enjoy another early-winter Sunday together. And our Listening Apps for your tablet or smartphone make it easy to take us along wherever you go.
Sundays only at 9 am, 2 pm and 8 pm CT. Use the PLAY buttons above to listen live.
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Have a request? I’d be happy to play it! Request a song, artist or style when you stop by the Lounge Page today – even hear your name on our show. Musical fun!
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My Producer’s Notes
Leo Gandelman always brings me home. Spend a few minutes with him after a performance and you’ll immediately understand what I mean.
There’s a welcoming sense of his personality, right up front. His characteristic lighthearted humor, that easy smile always just a note or two away; that’s Leo.
And as The Sounds of Brazil is featuring his music on the radio this week, it’s possibly the very first opportunity for you to know anything about the man behind the saxophone.
Secondly, how I met Leo Gandelman has a lot to do with why he’s so well respected and admired by fans and compatriots worldwide.
Return To Rio
It was my second trip to Rio in 1989, arranged on the fly by capturing a writing assignment from a US magazine to interview singer Caetano Veloso.
An invitation to meet Gal Costa came along soon after my arrival and it wasn’t long before I found myself in a recording studio, seated next to her during a session break for her comeback album Plural.
And there, volunteering to act as the interpreter for my broken Portuguese was her producer, a young enthusiastic guy named Gandelman.
With his second solo album just released and already working hard on his career in the US, you could have forgiven Leo for seizing the moment to include his own successes and aspirations, but that wasn’t the case.
In fact, I left that day without any real appreciation for him as an artist. He had totally given himself over to my moment: an obviously entranced gringo, awash with amazement at the opportunity to meet Gal Costa.
The afternoon seemed endless, with Leo doing his absolute best to translate my questions and her answers back and forth. Through it all, Gal smiled. Leo glowed. I found a new friend that day, and hadn’t heard one note of his music.
Since then, there have been many such times, and I’ve watched his life and career unfold day to day, year after year, success upon success.
On the professional side, there’s a cornucopia of awards as Brazil’s Best Instrumental Performer – for the past 15 years!
In his native country, he’s been known as Brazil’s David Sanborn. In the US he’s “Leo from Rio.” However you know him, this week you’ll have the chance to know him a little better: through his music and by spending a few minutes catching up with Leo’s answers to our 10 Questions article on Connect Brazil’s homepage.
– Scott Adams
Brazilian Jazz Saxophonist Leo Gandelman
Hour 1:
Set 1: The Sounds of Brazil Opening Theme
Conmigo<>Daniela Mercury & Deodato/We All Ennio
Tres Pontas<>Antonio Adolfo/BruMa
Baubles, Bangles & Beads<>Laura Fygi/Laura Fygi
Welcome to the Brazil Club Lounge
Me Deixa Em Paz<>Leo Gandelman/Black Pearls
Special Announcement
Girl From Ipanema<>Gabriela Anders/Wanting
Set 2:
Introduce Our Next Set
Easy Ridin’<>Leo Gandelman/Western World
Café Jobim<>Lawson Rollins/Infinita
Introduce Next Song
SONG 4U<>Jorge Vercillo/Nas Minha Maos
Rise<>Leo Gandelman/Brazilian Soul
Somewhere In The Hills<>Natalie Cole/Encanto
Set 3: Introduce This Week’s Spotlight Song
Black Bird<>Leo Gandelman/Yellow Sax Marine
Walking On A Chinese Wall<>Luca Giacco/Chinese Wall
Cartas Ao Vento<>Claudia Villela/ Cartas Ao Vento
Brazilian Jazz Saxophonist Leo Gandelman
Hour 2:
Set 1:
Antigua<>Leo Gandelman/Brazilian Soul
Friday Song<>Alexia Bomtempo/Astrolabio
Welcome To Our Second Hour
Nos E O Mar<>Doris Monteiro/ Bossa Nova Sua Historia
Giraffe In Green<>Jun Miyake/Post Modern Bossa
Solar<>Leo Gandelman/Solar
Special Announcement
When I Fell In Love<>Sergio Mendes, Gracinha Leporace/Magic
Set 2:
Introduce Brazil Back2Back: Milton Nascimento
Vera Cruz<>Milton Nascimento/Courage
Beleza e Canção<>Milton Nascimento/Pieta
Introduce Next Song
A Ra'<>Leo Gandelman/Brazilian Soul
A Minha Dor<>Roberto Vally/Tranquila
Sambacu<>Pete Escovedo/E Street
Set 3:
Sax Talk<>Leo Gandelman/Solar
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Next Week: We’ll feature Stan Getz’s and Charlie Byrds’ legendary album, Jazz Samba, along with the fascinating stories surrounding it.
Whether it’s your radio, your computer at work, or your tablet or smartphone, thanks for tuning in! I appreciate it, and please tell a friend or two about us.
And don’t forget about our weekly broadcasts in Chicago: Sundays at 2:00 pm Central on 90.9 FM WDCB and
View our complete daily broadcast schedule here.