Brazilian Voices? South Florida has incubated more than its share of outstanding performers for our creative community, but none more so than this talented vocal ensemble from Miami.
By Sean Chaffin
E pluribus unum. That’s not only a traditional American motto but also applies to the South Florida women’s choral group Brazilian Voices. The blending of numerous voices makes for a unique Brazilian sound. This group of women have performed all over the world the last 17 years singing – from the subtle sounds of the Bossa Nova to more upbeat songs one might find in a Rio music club.
Brazilian Voices is made up of 34 women who sing Brazilian and international music for concerts, educational shows, and philanthropic events in hospitals, chemotherapy units, and nursing homes.
They view their gifts of song as a way to not only please audiences but to also give back to their community.
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Meet Beatriz and Loren
The group was founded by Beatriz Malnic and Loren Oliveira and has released seven albums. The women have performed in locations such as Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico, New York, and London, as well as taking the stage for more than 500 performances in South Florida.
Heavily influenced by classic Bossa Nova and MPB, this award-winning choir gives classics their own unique twist. It’s a recipe that works – pleasing thousands of listeners each year and taking them for a quick trip to Rio.
“When you listen to Brazilian Voices, you can feel the freshness and intensity used with the whispering voices, the beautiful melodies, and the relaxing smiles that all shine in this group with women from various different backgrounds,” Malnic says. “These women just love what they’re doing, the same way they love how they are making people feel, and that itself is something special and unique.”
Malnic has a degree in music from the University of São Paulo. She planned for a career as a classical pianist but soon moved behind the mic after working with Brazilian artists like Toquinho, Roberto Menescal, Geraldo Vandré, and Chico Buarque.
Oliveira has worked as a producer for artists like Mitar Subotic-Suba, Edson Cordeiro, Will Calhoun, Edson Natale, and Lenine. She has also been a singer and actor in the musicals Evita, Amapola, and The Imaginary Invalid for São Paulo’s Ornitorrinco Group.
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The two women enjoy sharing their love of the music they grew up with and continue to grow the group’s impact and base even more. Singing allows Malnic and Oliveira to share their Brazilian culture with new audiences, and that also includes more work giving back to their community in the coming years.
“We hope that we can expand this pioneer model of work by having more support and promotion so we can bring Bossa Nova music to more healthcare facilities,” Oliveira notes. “We have plans to travel around the world and encourage young women to strengthen their voices and actions in their environment.”
So far, the group has the voice part of that goal covered.
Brazilian Voices
Click here for more information on Brazilian Voices.