Celebrating Elis Regina? Nothing could be easier for This legendary Brazilian singer.
Celebrating Elis Regina: Air Dates and Showtimes.
| Air Date: 03-03-24 through 03-10-24
| On-Demand: 03-03-24 through 03-17-24
Live365.com is the official streaming radio partner for The Sounds of Brazil!
This two-hour program airs 4X daily on our streaming Station. You are invited to listen, Monday to Friday at 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and midnight Central Time (US). Weekend times, too:
- On The Radio: Listen to The Sounds of Brazil every Sunday, 2-4 pm on Chicago’s 90.9 FM WDCB and streaming live at wdcb.org.
- On-Demand: Click here to listen to this program anytime: through March 17, 2023.
- Sign up for our emails on music, travel, friends & fun. Click here to like us on Facebook.

Daily Listening Schedule | Time Zone Converter | Brazil Back2Back
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Just a few days to go…
Finally! We’re getting ready to do the ‘Spring Ahead’ thing with our clocks next weekend, then it’s on to counting down the final few days before the official arrival of Spring.
Mother Nature’s late winter warmth can be fickle (right?) so while she takes her time to figure it all out, let’s enjoy two hours with a legendary Brazilian voice as we take yet another step closer to the sunshine season.
March 17th marks another birthday for Elis Regina, but even those who only casually observed this singer’s meteoric career knew that fate would hold to a much shorter calendar.
Elis Regina died at age 36 of a drug overdose on January 19th, 1982. It put a coda on a life that was filled with riotous emotion and more than enough music to sustain us after she had gone.
Musically, singer Elis Regina carried her talent like an open book: propelling great emotion into her music, almost as if every song was part of her own life story. You can learn more about Elis Regina here.
Today, Elis is still revered as Brazil’s greatest performer. I hope you’ll enjoy this show!
Happy Listening,
Scott Adams
This Week:
March Fridays are dedicated to our favorite versions of ‘The Waters of March’ for Brazil Back2Back, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Listen at the top of the hour, 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm Central. Always two of a kind, and always two in a row! Have an idea for an upcoming Brazil Back2Back? Visit the Lounge page to send us a message.
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Make A Reservation to join me for The Sunday Brazilian Brunch. It’s perfect for smoothing out the bumps of a busy week. Three full hours every Sunday beginning at 5 am Central, and then again at 9 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm. No app is needed when you click the ‘play’ arrow pm the right side of the home page at Connectbrazil.com.
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This Week On The Sounds Of Brazil
Hour One: Celebrating Elis Regina
Hour 1:
Set 1: The Sounds of Brazil Opening Theme
Triste<>ElisRegina/Next Stop Wonderland
One Note Samba<>Stan Getz & Charlie Byrd/Jazz Samba
Scarborough Fair<>Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66/Greatest Hits
Welcome to The Brazilian Club Lounge
Incendiando<>Eliane Elias/Made In Brazil
Special Announcement
Chovendo Na Roseira<> Elis Regina/Elis & Tom
Set 2:
Introduce Next Set
Madalena<>Mark Murphy/Nightmood
Tristeza De Nos Dois<>Manfredo Fest/Amazonas
Introduce Next Set
Coisa Mais Linda<>Carlos Lyra/Bossa Nova Sua Gente
Espada de Prata<>Celia Vaz/Ebb & Flow
Summertime<>Deodato /The Crossing
Set 3: Introduce This Week’s Spotlight Song
Aguas De Marco<>Elis Regina & Jobim/Elis & Tom
Northern Lights<> Roy Stephansen/single
Lonely<>Bebel Gilberto/Tanto Tempo

Hour Two: Celebrating Elis Regina
Set 1:
Elis<>Peter White/A Love Affair: The Music of Ivan Lins
Welcome To Our Second Hour
Beach In My Mind<>Superpulse/Brasil 5000
Stand Up Paddle Girl<>Gabriel Martins/Mergulho
Dois Pra La, Dois Pra Ca<>Elis Regina/ Personalidade
Special Announcement
Down South<>Sergio Pereira/Nu Brasil
Set 2:
Introduce Brazil Back2Back: Ricardo Silveira
Não Me Balança Mais<>Emilio Santiago/De Um Jeito Diferente
Sessao da Onze<>Ricardo Silveira/RSVC
Introduce Next Set
Juliana<>Antonio Adolfo/Adolfo
Antigua<>Leo Gandelman/Brazilian Soul
Atras da Porta<>Elis Regina/Personalidade
Set 3:
Waters of March<>Halie Loren/After Dark
Mariana<>Torcuato Mariano/Diary
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Next Week On The Sounds of Brazil:
Always the best in Brazilian jazz and more! Be sure to listen and you’re invited to make a request or drop a note in our In Box on the Lounge page, too!
I hope you’ll enjoy the show and please – tell a few friends about us on 90.9 FM WDCB in Chicago and wdcb.org, at 2 pm CT every Sunday.
Whether it’s your radio, your computer at work, or your tablet or smartphone, thanks for tuning in! It’s always great to share the music.
- Sign up for our emails on music, travel, friends, and fun. Click here to like our Facebook page and here for Brazilian events coast to coast.