America’s Halloween festivities have arrived in Brazil, via Celtic tradition on the eve of All Saints Day.
Halloween in Brazil is called ‘Dia das Bruxas’ (Witch’s Day) and just as our own, is celebrated on the eve of All Saints Day, October 31st, each year. ‘Saci Day’ (which pays homage to Saci-Pererê, a mythological figure in Brazilian folklore) is also celebrated as a semi-official cultural day of observance.
Saci Day emerged as an alternative to America’s Halloween, with the goal of making Brazilians aware of the rich cultural variety of their own folkloric past.
Whatever you may call it, the idea has caught on in the nation’s larger cities as Halloween in Brazil grows in popularity with each passing year.
Like here, the emphasis is on costumes and parties.
It is said that the day was first celebrated by the Celtic peoples; called Hallow Evening, which was later abbreviated to Hallowe´en, until it reached the current form Halloween.

How do they celebrate Halloween in Brazil?
Well, until recently, they didn’t. In Brazil, it is fair to say that Halloween – All Saints Day eve – is an event celebrated via cultural osmosis, brought from American culture by popular movies, comic books, social networking, and television shows.
But, according to Calendarr Brasil, “there is great resistance in some Brazilian regions over the celebration of the date in the country. Some people argue that Brazil is too rich in popular culture to celebrate a foreign culture and ignore its own history and identity.
“Because of this controversy, Saci Day was created, based on Law Decree No. 2,762 in 2003. Also celebrated on October 31, Saci Day is a “peaceful resistance” to Americanized Halloween culture.”
Saci’s role for Halloween in Brazil
But the one-legged Saci is a somewhat controversial figure, mythical or not. Often referred to as a mischievous scamp, tales of angry behavior permeate Saci’s legend.
And – perhaps due to the current cultural climate – Saci has also been deemed as ‘racist’ in some circles of the Brazilian left.
But one of Saci’s endearing traits is his expression of kindness to Brazilian children, often leaving gifts with an irresistible grin. But, can he be trusted???
Saci by Astrud Gilberto
Naturally, we’ve found a really great song about Saci, by Astrud Gilberto with The James Last Orchestra. The lyrics follow the video in English and Portuguese.
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English Lyrics for Saci
In the middle of the night, the rooster crowed three times
Many times it sang before the morning came
That’s when I saw that beauty
Of the washerwomen at the job of washing the clothes we wear
Often the cock
And I could not stop crying
alone behind the steering wheel that skidded
noticed a clear instant
What might be what the Saci was crying
‘Inda could hear, do not know where
the song rolled in the air
There goes Pererê Saci jumping on his leg
To see the washerwomen in Chororó source
there comes Pererê Saci jumping on his leg
Deep deeper the woods
Cry, cry and no one has pity
There goes Pererê Saci jumping on his leg
To see the washerwomen in Chororó source
there comes the Pererê Saci jumping on his leg
Deep deeper the woods
Cry, cry and no one has pity
Here comes Saci, Here comes Saci, Here comes Saci Pererê
Ó Saci, ó Saci, ó Saci Pererê
There goes Pererê Saci jumping on his leg
To see the washerwomen in Chororó source
there comes the Pererê Saci jumping on the leg
Deep deeper the woods
Cry, cry and no one has pity
There goes Pererê Saci jumping on leg
To see the washerwomen in Chororó source
there comes the pererê saci jumping on the leg
Deep deeper the woods
Cry, cry and no one has pity
Here comes Saci, Here comes Saci, Here comes Saci Pererê
Here comes Saci, Here comes Saci, Here comes Saci Pererê
Portuguese Lyrics for Saci
No meio da noite o galo cantou três vezes
Muitas vezes ele cantou antes da manhã chegar
Foi quando eu vi aquela beleza
Das lavadeiras no trabalho de lavar a roupa que a gente veste
Muitas vezes cantou o galo
E eu não pude deixar de chorar
Sozinho atrás do volante do carro que derrapava
Reparei num claro instante
Que atrás da moite o saci também chorava
‘Inda pude ouvir, não sei onde
A canção que rolava no ar
Lá vai o saci pererê pulando na perna só
Pra ver as lavadeiras na fonte do chororó
Lá vem o saci pererê pulando na perna só
No fundo mais fundo da mata
Chora, chora e ninguém tem dó
Lá vai o saci pererê pulando na perna só
Pra ver as lavadeiras na fonte do chororó
Lá vem o saci pererê pulando na perna só
No fundo mais fundo da mata
Chora, chora e ninguém tem dó
É vem o saci, é vem o saci, é vem o saci pererê
Ó o saci, ó o saci, ó o saci pererê
Lá vai o saci pererê pulando na perna só
Pra ver as lavadeiras na fonte do chororó
Lá vem o saci pererê pulando na perna só
No fundo mais fundo da mata
Chora, chora e ninguém tem dó
Lá vai o saci pererê pulando na perna só
Pra ver as lavadeiras na fonte do chororó
Lá vem o saci pererê pulando na perna só
No fundo mais fundo da mata
Chora, chora e ninguém tem dó
É vem o saci, é vem o saci, é vem o saci pererê
É vem o saci, é vem o saci, é vem o saci pererê
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Ronaldo Bastos / Paulo Jobim
Our thanks to 7Graus – Calendarr.com for providing essential content to this story. The original may be found here.