Happy Birthday Rio de Janeiro

March 1st marks my favorite musical city’s 459th birthday. Click here for the surprising story behind Caetano Veloso’s impromptu tribute. (Scott Adams)

Happy Birthday Rio de Janeiro. Sugarloaf mountain and the entrace to Rio's Guanabara Bay.
Imagine: Five centuries ago, Portuguese explorers sailed past Sugerloaf Mountain to settle and create the city of Rio de Janeiro. Today is Rio's birthday!

This city ranks high up on our short list of favorite birthdays

Happy Birthday, Rio de Janeiro! Let’s celebrate with a story and a song.

by Scott Adams

Happy birthday, Rio! The city was officially founded at the foot of the Sugarloaf Mountain in 1565 by Estácio de Sá, a Portuguese knight who named it after Portugal’s King Sebastian I by proclaiming the city as São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Saint Sebastian of the River of January).

Caetano’s song for the city

São Sebastião doesn’t have quite the same ring as “Rio”, but it resonates with Caetano Veloso’s impromptu version of Rio’s official song, ‘Cidade Maravilhosa’.

Taking you away from your part of the world, to ours with a jazzy blend of breezy Bossas and crossover hits from both sides of the equator. Always live, always free! At least one ‘Rio’ song every hour today. Click the banner below!

Listen live! Taking you away from your part of the world, to ours with a jazzy blend of breezy Bossas and crossover hits from both sides of the equator. Always live, always free!

Happy birthday Rio! Yes, there will be cake.

…and plenty of leftovers from Carnival week, with hundreds of thousands doing their best to relax, recharge, and recover from the hard work and long hours required for a true-blooded sambista.

Locals and tourists can join in the celebration with a 66-foot-long cake and a jubilant chorus of “Happy birthday, Rio de Janeiro”!

It’s part of the city’s official party organized by SARCA, the Sociedade Amigos da Rua da Carioca e Adjacências. Head over to Largo do Carioca, a great starting point for a walking tour of Rio’s Centro district.

The party is a local tradition that goes back more than 40 years.

Celebrate Rio’s Big Day With Us

The Sounds of Brazil’s streaming station at Connect Brazil will play at least one ‘Rio’ song every hour today.

Music, Travel, Friends, And Fun!

Happy Birthday Rio de Janeiro

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