It’s Our Annual Memorial Day weekend tradition
Spring Into Summer With Sergio Mendes! We’re ready to go with two hours of sun-kissed sambas, breezy bossas, and the best of Sergio Mendes.
|Â Air Date: 05-24-24 through 06-02-24
|Â On-Demand: 05-24-24 through 06-09-24 is the official streaming radio partner for The Sounds of Brazil!
This two-hour program airs 4X daily on our streaming Station. You are invited to listen, Monday to Friday at 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and midnight Central Time (US). Weekend times, too:
- On The Radio: Listen to The Sounds of Brazil every Sunday, 2-4 pm on Chicago’s 90.9 FM WDCB and streaming live at
- On-Demand: Click here to listen to this program anytime: through June 9, 2024.
- Sign up for our emails on music, travel, friends & fun. Click here to like us on Facebook.

Daily Listening Schedule | Time Zone Converter | Brazil Back2Back On Demand
Make A Request | Send a message to Scott
So much has happened already this year, so it’s kind of hard to realize that this is our first long holiday weekend since…
…January 1st! So, as we enter the Sunshine Season this is my chance to say thank you for listening and for coming back to this page every week to share the music.
Simply put, all of what I do here with The Sounds of Brazil and would be impossible without you and our shared passion for Brazil’s music and culture. I really appreciate your tuning in to enjoy the music with me every day.
2023 marks Connect Brazil’s 26th anniversary and our 31st milestone year for The Sounds of Brazil.
Please rest assured: I’m always thinking of new ways to make The Sounds of Brazil even better.
Over the years, the two long holiday weekends that bookend summertime have been reserved for Sergio Mendes on The Sounds of Brazil. And with good reason: the Mendes musical, magical touch is perfect for get-togethers of all kinds.
This show is no exception because our playlist includes the latest single from Sergio Mendes’s new album ‘In The Key of Joy’! You can learn more about the album here.
I’ll even have updated info on the new Sergio Mendes documentary too.
I hope you’ll enjoy both the weekend and this special program, and if you are looking to add some Brazilian flair to your BBQ, be sure to check out our Brazil On The Grill section for tips, recipes, and more.
~ Scott Adams
Friday’s Brazil Back2Back serves up tunes from a pair of musical birthdays: Bossacucanova’s Alex Moreira and Ivete Sangalo! Listen at the top of the hour at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm CT, exclusively on our streaming station.
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We’re always playing someone’s request… I’d like to play yours, too! Request a song when you pay a visit to Connect Brazil’s very cool Listening Lounge or request a style or favorite musician – even hear your name on the air.
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No App Needed: The Sounds of Brazil streams coast-to-coast 24/7 (and worldwide) in crystal clear digital. Listen to our Midday Show from 9 am to 3 pm Central weekdays and catch our weekly show every weekday at 7 am 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm, and midnight Central. Weekends too!
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There’s a virtual table waiting for you with our brand new streaming channel, ‘The Sunday Brazilian Brunch’. Listen anytime, worldwide! Click here for all of our streaming channels – Apps for Apple, Android, and more, too!
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Work with us! Volunteer your expertise a few hours a week from home. You’ll be part of an enthusiastic team that’s dedicated to Brazil’s creative community, small businesses, and non-profit organizations here in the USA. You can make a difference! Contact us today; we’d love to meet you!
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This week’s show for The Sounds of Brazil!:
Hour One: Spring Into Summer with Sergio Mendes
Hour 1:
Set 1: The Sounds of Brazil Opening Theme
Timeless<>India.Arie with Sergio Mendes/Timeless
Flying To Bahia<>Caibedo Island/Caibedo Tale
Baia<>Walter Wanderley/Next Stop Wonderland Soundtrack
Welcome to the Lounge
Barabare<>Sergio Mendes/Brasiliero
Special Announcement: Join our list!
Set 2:
Introduce Next Set
Maracatu (Nation of Love)<>Sergio Mendes/Bom Tempo
Belem, Minha Cidade<>Bobby Brazil/Amazonica
Introduce Next Song
Un Beijo Na Boca<>Latin Vibe/Latin Vibe
Rise<>Leo Gandelman/Brazilian Soul
Please Baby Don’t<>John Legend/Sergio Mendes Timeless
Set 3: Introduce This Week’s Spotlight Song
Favo De Mel<>Milton Nascimento/Rio 2 Soundtrack
Francesa<>Ricardo Silveira/Storyteller
Time Goes By<>Shelea with Sergio Mendes/Key of Joy
Hour Two: Spring Into Summer with Sergio Mendes
Set 1:
Love Came Between Us<>Sergio Mendes/In The Key of Joy
Welcome To Our Second Hour
Mas Que Nada<>Sergio Mendes/Greatest Hits
Roda<>Sergio Mendes & Brasil 66/Look Around
Rainha<>Toco & Nina Miranda/Memorias
Special Announcement
El Alba<>Camiel/Sunset
Set 2:
Introduce Brazil Back2Back: Torcuato Mariano
I Can’t Help It<>Torcuato Mariano/Paradise Station
Mariana<>Torcuato Mariano/Diary
Introduce Next Song
Linha Do Equador<>Djavan/Coisa De Escender
Rio Sway<>Brian Simpson & Maysa/Out Of A Dream
Café Caldo<>Mazachigno/Cafe Roma 2
Set 3:
When I Fell In Love<>S. Mendes, Gracinha Leporace/Magic
Visions of You<>S. Mendes, Janelle Monae/Magic
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Next Week: We’ll salute guitarist Lee Ritenour to open June’s Art Of Brazilian Jazz theme. I hope you’ll enjoy the show! It’s always great to share the music.
Whether it’s your radio, your computer at work, or your tablet or smartphone, thanks for tuning in! I really appreciate it and please tell a friend or two about us.
And don’t forget about our weekly broadcasts in Chicago: Sundays at 2:00 pm Central on 90.9 FM WDCB and
View our complete daily broadcast schedule here.