| Air Date: 01-07-24 through 01-14-24
| On-Demand: 01-07-24 through 01-21-24 is the official streaming radio partner for The Sounds of Brazil!
This two-hour program airs 4X daily on our streaming Station. You are invited to listen, Monday to Friday at 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and midnight Central Time (US). Weekend times, too:
- On The Radio: Listen to The Sounds of Brazil every Sunday, 2-4 pm on Chicago’s 90.9 FM WDCB and streaming live at
- On-Demand: Click here to listen to this program anytime through January 21, 2024.
- Sign up for our emails on music, travel, friends & fun. Click here to like us on Facebook.

Daily Listening Schedule | Time Zone Converter | Brazil Back2Back
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Hello again, and welcome!
Our Winter Storystream The Warmth of Brazil wouldn’t be complete without a look at the Brazilian guitar. So, let’s spend a few hours together exploring the styles and sounds of the instrument that truly personifies the music of Brazil.
Our show spotlights great guitarists from all over the musical map: Ricardo Silveira, Torcuato Mariano, Gabriel Martins, Toninho Horta, Rosa Passos, and Silva. Plus, I’ll bring you a birthday salute for Lee Ritenour, too.
The Brazilian guitar is synonymous with João Gilberto, who set the bar so high that his style remains a standard of excellence. It’s one by which all others – on both sides of the equator – are compared. We’ll hear one of his best.
A cool breeze in Summer, and a warm wind when the weather turns cold – that’s The Sounds of Brazil!
But first, let’s catch up with a few timely tips for the week ahead!
Connect Brazil This Week: Our Sunday digest keeps you informed and up to date with the best of Brazil. What will you discover? Everything you know to get the most out of the week ahead. Read back issues here.
Make A Resolution: To listen to The Sunday Brazilian Brunch. It’s perfect for smoothing out the bumps of a busy week. Three full hours every Sunday beginning at 5 am Central, and then again at 9 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm. No app is needed when you click the ‘play’ arrow at the bottom of every page at
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Here they are! The year’s best Brazilian songs! The best Brazilian concerts, stories, and events from 2022. Our annual Best of Brazilian Music Showcase is waiting for you right now!
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Join Our List and the next issue of our Connect Brazil e-letter will find its way to your inbox with the latest music news, concerts, and more. Sign up here!
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Our Streaming Station’s popular Brazil Back2Back segment has grown to a third play every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Listen at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm Central. Always two of a kind, and always two in a row! Have an idea for an upcoming Brazil Back2Back? Click here to make a request.
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Happy Listening,
Scott Adams
Click on any song to order from Amazon. You’ll be supporting The Sounds of Brazil when you do. Thank you!
The Warmth of the Brazilian Guitar
Hour 1: The Warthm of The Brazilian Guitar
Set 1: The Sounds of Brazil Opening Theme
Wake Up<>Torcuato Mariano/Lift Me UpSina<>Gilberto Gil/Parabolic
Quiet Nights (Of Quiet Stars)<>Sarah Vaughan/Heartbreakers
Welcome to the Lounge
Baleia Azul<>Victor Biglione/Baleia AzulSpecial Announcement
Set 2: Introduce Our Next Song
Language & Love<>Kerry Linder/Sail Away With MeColor of the Watercolor<>Ronaldo Folegatti/Sounds of Watercolors
Introduce Next Song
Mal De Mim<>Djavan/Puzzle of HeartsBonita<>Fernanda Takai & Marcos Valle/ O Tom Da Takai
Dancing With Angels<>Magrus Rainforest Band/Between Dreams (Not Available)
Set 3: This Week’s Spotlight Song
Once I Loved<>Nigel Clark/Thank You, Tom Jobim Listen and order here
Yesterday<>Zizi Possi/Bossa
Seresta/Phill Fest/Seresta
Hour 2: The Warthm of The Brazilian Guitar
Set 1:
San Juan Sunset<>Lee Ritenour/RioWelcome to our 2nd Hour
All Around<>Bebel Gilberto/Bebel GilbertoSaudade<>Thievery Corporation/Saudade
Triste<>Joao Gilberto/Amoroso Review
Special Announcement
Set 2:
Introduce Our Next Set
Alguem Me Disse<>Gal Costa/Novela HitsTake Me Back To Rio<>Mike Catalano/A Manhattan Affair
Introduce Next Song
Cabana<>Adam Dunning/Glass Bottom BoatCaso Serio<>Rita Lee/The Greatest Hits
Mountain Flight<>Toninho Horta/Diamond Land
Set 3:
Dunas<>Rosa Passos/FestaFlute, Accordion & Viola<>Dori Caymmi/If Ever
Sincopado-Edge Of The Night<>Paulo Ramos/Futuro
Next Week: Our ‘Warmth of Brazil StoryStream continues with a long, heartwarming playlist for the Brazilian piano. It’s a show you won’t want to miss. I hope you’ll enjoy the program this week, too, and please – tell a few friends about us! It’s always great to share the music.
Whether it’s your radio, your computer at work, or your tablet or smartphone, thanks for tuning in! I appreciate it, and please tell a friend or two about us. And don’t forget about our weekly broadcasts in Chicago: Sundays at 2:00 pm Central on 90.9 FM WDCB and
View our daily streaming schedule here.