Connect Brazil’s weekly digest keeps you informed and up to date with the best of Brazil. What will you discover?
Phill Fest’s southern swing is something that’s been in the cards for some time now. This week, the popular SoFla guitarist, singer, and songwriter is packing his bags for a return trip to his father Manfredo’s hometown of Porto Alegre.
It’s just a couple hundred miles north of Brazil’s border with Uruguay.
If you’re visiting too, chances are pretty good that you’ll find Phill at his favorite table in the little jazz club where he met his future wife, Isabel. That place, Cafe Fon Fon is also the title of Phill Fest’s latest album.
We caught up with Phill Fest recently, long enough to relive some musical memories from his former hometown in Minnesota. You’re invited to read our 10 Questions with Phill Fest.
By the way, there’s a week’s worth of Brazilian entertainment and lifestyle stories and more waiting on the homepage at Connect Brazil.
COVER STORY: Phill Fest’s Southern Swing
A personal note:
Before Phill Fest was born, I was a young college student studying music and broadcast journalism in Minnesota.
On weekends, I’d frequent the Longhorn jazz club on the corner of 5th and Hennepin in Minneapolis, where – more often than not – Brazilian jazz pianist Manfredo Fest would be playing with his trio.
At 18, I was already hosting jazz radio, and Manfredo befriended me. He taught me the ropes of Brazilian music; introducing me to many of the musicians would kindle my lifelong interest.
Decades later, Phill and I crossed paths, and over time our connection grew into a musical friendship based on his Dad’s impressions of me, and my appreciation of Phill’s talents as a guitarist and songwriter.
So, when Phill Fest’s new album Café Fon Fon landed on my desk, I knew it was time to catch up. The conversation turned to the stories behind these songs, Phill’s creative process, and what it was like to grow up as the musical son of a Brazilian jazz legend.
Read Phill’s story here.
Scott Adams, Program Host
The Sounds of Brazil at Connect Brazil
Plan to join me for Brazil Back2Back this Friday when I’ll play two in a row from Phill Fest on our live streaming station (10/01). Top of the hour, at 11 am, 2 pm, and 5 pm CT for two in a row.
Use the Connect Brazil Listening Lounge: Always free, always live.
Scott Adams, Midday Host
- Feature: Ever dream of being the Girl from Ipanema? Do this.
- Music: Autumn temps are falling due to this review of Brazilian Chill Sessions. Not!
- Food & Drink: Parched or peckish? Our Brazilian Bites and Burgers guide can help.
- People: Gal Costa celebrates a birthday today. Catch these four fav fan-picked songs.
- Picture of the Day: This week we salute Brazil’s Best Souvenirs! Visit our homepage every day.

Connect Brazil’s Weekender arrives in your inbox this Thursday! Read our current issue and sign up here.
This Week’s Spotlight Song: The Isley Brothers | Brazilian Wedding Song (Setembro)
Listen for this song on our streaming channels, including Bossa Nova Love Affair, Brazilian Jazz, XODO!, and The Sunday Brazilian Brunch.

Gal Costa celebrates her birthday today, and she’s gifted us with a new album! Enjoy two hours of her best songs this week. Listen 4 X daily and on-demand through October 10th. The playlist and Producer’s Notes are here.
- Just Added: Philadelphia’s is now streaming The Sounds of Brazil every weekend, Sundays at 10 am. Listen here!
Taking you away from your part of the world to ours. That’s The Sounds of Brazil’s streaming station at Connect Brazil! Spend an hour with our jazzy blend of breezy Bossas and crossover hits from both sides of the equator.
We are America’s only ‘Always Live’ streaming station for Brazilian music and more.
Tune in weekdays for The Midday Show with Scott Adams and relax every evening with our jazzy Quiet Nights program. Saturdays are reserved for Bossa Nova Breeze – all day, all night – and there’s always a place at the table waiting for you with The Sunday Brazilian Brunch!
Yep, late-summer sambas can make your spirits soar. Explore our newest video list, Brazilian Day Music Showcase. Then tune in for a trio of tunes that fit the bill. Listen for them on our streaming station this week:
- ‘O Grande Amor’ – Joao Gulberto with Stan Getz
- ‘Border Line’ – Deodato (Instrumental)
- ‘Let Your Love Rise’ – Fabiana Passoni
Listen for these songs on our always-live streaming station, and click here for all 10 of our streaming music channels.
Check out Connect Brazil’s Listening Lounge.
Brazil Back2Back
Always two-of-a-kind and always two in a row when you listen at the top of the hour, at 11 am, 2 pm and 5 pm (US Central) Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Here’s this week’s lineup:
- Monday, September 27 – L.A. Sambas
- Wednesday, September 29 – New Music: Saxophonist Kenny Polson and pianist Antonio Adolfo
- Friday, October 01 – guitarist Phill Fest
Next week on Brazil Back2Back:
- Monday, October 04 – vocalist Adriana Calcanhotto’s birthday
- Wednesday, October 06 – New Music: Daniela Soledade and saxophinist Nathan Mitchell
- Friday, October 08 – A Bossa Nova surprise!
Visit the Listening Lounge to listen live, for real-time playlists, or to request your favorite song, style, or musician.
New Music Spotlight: Marisa Monte | Portas
Listen for this song on our New Music: Brazil streaming channel.
Connect Brazil’s Events section live club dates to livestream Brazilian jazz concerts and events on our streaming station. including saxophonist Kenney Polson Kristen Mather de Andrade, and Antonio Adolfo.
Check out Chicago’s Luciano Antonio, or St. Pete’s Nate Najar Trio with Daniela Soledade, or virtual Brazilian cooking and Zumba classes. There’s even the return of Brazilian Jazz to San Antonio’s Riverwalk.
Plus your pick of full-length, on-demand virtual Brazilian jazz concerts, too.
- Click here to browse upcoming events.


Browse Brazilian Burgers, Bakeries, and markets near you, coast to coast
So, when you are craving a snack or hungry for something more, that’s where Connect Brazil’s Brazilian Bites and Burgers Guide comes in handy.
You’re just a tap or two away from the best of Brazil near you, so plan ahead. Our Lifestyle Directory delivers Brazilian goodness to your table.
Connect Brazil is donating its services to spread the word about the tasty rewards of your support.
We hope that you will do the same by placing an order soon with an eatery near you. Your support makes everything taste better. Even Brazilian appetizers, breads, and cakes!
Phill Fest’s Southern Swing: Connect Brazil This Week
Stories like ‘Phill Fest’s Southern Swing: Connect Brazil This Week’ are what we do. Why don’t you join us?
- Sign up for our emails on music, travel, friends and fun. Listen to our ‘always live’ streaming station and our 12 streaming music channels, always free. Browse our Lifestyle Directory. Click here to like our Facebook page and here for Brazilian events coast to coast.